Last week we ran our first-ever hand-tied bouquet course at the gardens… and were chuffed to bits by how things turned out. We had 11 people on our course, who all learnt how to make a simple hand-tied bouquet using seasonal, local flowers. Everyone seemed to have a fun time, and we have had several nice emails since, reporting that the bouquets are still going strong, that the lemon cake in the cafe was ‘sublime’ and asking when we’re having our next course… (October 16, for those who missed out on this month’s course). Thanks to Paul and Sam, at YaldingGardens for letting us use such a fab venue.
It’s no secret that Paul is Bek’s brother and my cousin. Since he took over the gardens, he’s been struggling to keep us family out, and we are all getting a little bit chubbier round the middle.